Pound Puppies and the Surgical Surprise

As I was being prepped for surgery, the operating room nurse was filling in with small talk as we waited for my “sleepy” medicine to kick in.  She asked what I did for a living and I told her I was a toymaker and had invented Pound Puppies.  Before I could ask her if she had heard of them, she exclaimed – “I can’t believe this.  I LOVED my Pound Puppies and still have them!”  She ran out to the nurse’s station and grabbed her phone.  She came back all giggly and showed me a picture of her beloved collection on her phone. As I began to drift off I could hear her telling others about her childhood memories with them.  When I woke up after surgery, she returned and asked if we could get a selfie together.  I’m on her phone somewhere and wish I had captured one for my files too.  You just never know when or where Pound Puppy owners will pop up even in a surgical unit!